Friday, September 7, 2012

Surgery #2

I was stoked about the second surgery.  Even a little giddy.  My health and energy nearly restored, I just wanted my body back functioning the way it used to.  After this surgery, I'd be more than halfway there.

The second surgery typically is the roughest on your body.  The surgeon has to scrape off any scar tissue that formed after the first surgery, then manipulate the small intestine into the J-shape and attach it to the exit chute.  It's a long surgery, 3-5 hours depending upon how much scar tissue you have.  The surgeon assured me my surgery wouldn't take so long because, "you are young and skinny, It won't be so bad."  It took seven hours.  I gave him shit about that one, believe me. 

Waking up after surgery was painful, but not bad enough to scream profanities in the recovery room.  Maybe because I was more prepared and calmer going into this one, I managed the pain more effectively.  Or, maybe the anesthesiologist knew I was the crazy screaming lady and gave me a stronger hit of narcotics as I came to.  Who knows.  During the days after the surgery, I did notice that the pain was more intense.  Laughing was not so funny anymore, and sneezing was just a bitch, but that is what Percocet is for.  That stuff is awesome.  It's a good thing my Rx was NOT refillable.

It has been about 3 weeks since surgery.  Recovery has been uneventful and pretty boring, actually.  Walking, resting, reading, eating, repeat.  Yawn.  I will take boredom over sick and fatigued, though.  When I wake up every morning I thank God for the energy and vigor I have regained.  Katie observed, "you are much more spunky after this surgery than the last one, Mommy."  I am almost back.

I have a follow up appointment in early October to make sure the j-pouch works, then will schedule the 3rd surgery.  Typically you have to heal for 3 months following the 2nd surgery, so I'm hoping mid-Novemberish for #3.

Til then, my goal is to lay low and heal.


  1. Hi, Lisa. Just found your blog after you followed me on Twitter. I'm guessing you followed me because I've just added a ton of UC peeps. I'm newly diagnosed with moderate UC (18th Aug) having spent 10 Days in Hospitable. Which was my first ever stay in hospital.

    Reading your blog it seems you're having a much worse time of it than me, so I hope you're resting, taking care of yourself and recovering from surgery. Nice to meet you and thanks for the follow.


    1. Hi Lee. This disease is crazy, huh? I hope that you are in remission and the drugs are working for you. Take care of yourself and stay healthy:)

    2. Lisa:

      Hopefully you'll get his message....I loved your blog...would love to connect...I have ties in Ohio(my husband is from there)...we are huge Ohio State email is


  2. Hi Lisa- Please give us an update! Your blog gave me so much hope. I was diagnosed while pregnant with my second baby- Abby- and although it was a difficult pregnancy, I carried her to term and she's a perfect 2 month old now. I was on remicade during the pregnancy, but it seems that it isn't working for me any longer. I have reservations about surgery, but it makes me feel so much better to know that it is an option that many have experienced success with. For now, we are waiting for some lab results and hanging on. I have two children- Abby, and a 2 year old, James. They are doing well, but I need this flare to end so I can be the mommy I want to be for them. Your story just made me feel like someone else out there was dealing with similar issues, and I am so grateful you shared it. I wish you the best in your recovery and look forward to hearing about the next step.

  3. Hi Sharon. Wow. Having UC w/little ones must be a challenge! My third surgery is scheduled for Nov 27th - right after Thanksgiving and I can't wait. So far, so good. I'm healing well and feel pretty normal - all the sick is out of me finally!

    Go to It's a great website that includes different stories everyday from UC patients. There is alot of info on there about how you can use diet and probiotics to heal yourself. The founder of the site, Adam, is great, and he is not on any drugs, he just does the Specific Carbohydrate diet and has not had any problems since he was diagnosed in 2008.

    Good luck to you. I'm sending healing thoughts your way!

